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7x22 Goodbye, Michael | Somehow I Manage 본문

7x22 Goodbye, Michael

7x22 Goodbye, Michael

6x06 Mafia에서 마이클이 라이언의 말에 영감을 받아 The fundamentals of business라는 제목의 경영서 집필을 시작하는 짧은 씬이 있었다. 그 후 6x21 Happy Hour에서 마이클이 도나에게 허세를 부리는 씬에서 자신은 경영서를 직접 쓴 몸이라며 Somehow I Manage를 처음 소개하였고 7x17 Threat Level Midnight에서 마이클의 취미/관심사 중 하나로 재차 언급하였다. 마이클의 마지막 에피소드인 7x22 Goodbye, Michael에서 사실 이 책이 미완성이라는 사실이 드러났고 극 중 표지와 내용 한 문장을 공개했다. 에피소드 방영 후 NBC The Office 공식 사이트에서 책의 본문을 공개했는데 마이클이 과거 에피소드에 등장했던 사건들을 언급하며 세계 2위의 보스가 될 수 있는 방법을 알려준다.

Chapter One: Introduction

There are all types of managers: financial managers, McDonald's managers, Britney Spears' manager, paper company managers, moms, baseball managers? the list goes on. Not all those people are naturally good at their jobs. Some have to work really hard at it. Others write books about it. I'm Michael Scott and this is my manual, "Somehow I Manage." If you follow my guidelines, soon you'll be the world's second best manager (Sorry, I'll always be #1. I have a mug that proves it.)

Chapter Two: Gum

Everybody likes the guy who offers them a stick of gum[각주:1].


Chapter Three: Think Simple

That last chapter seemed skimpy, huh? That's where you're wrong pal. It was simple. And simple is good. Getting people on your side is as easy as offering them some gum. *Don't ever give your employees Tic Tacs though, that will make you seem like a grandma.

Gum Guy is nice, laid-back and cool. He's the type of manager who people want to hang out with after work and tell their life stories to. And you should tell them your whole life story too! That will make everyone close and happy, and happy families get more stuff done together than enemies do. Just look at Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie - they could be making awesome father/daughter movies, but instead they hate each other and barely talk. Such a missed opportunity.


Chapter Four: Equality

Treat people like equals and always make them feel good about themselves. It will pay off. For example, my ex-friend Packer[각주:2] once implied that my employee Phyllis wasn't hot.

I couldn't have that kind of negativity floating around. So I hugged Phyllis and told her I was worried about getting a boner[각주:3]. It made her feel wonderful. Later on that day she made two big sales. Another time I kissed a gay accountant during a meeting to show how accepting I was of his sexual orientation[각주:4]. He was going to quit before that, but guess what? It's been five years since that kiss, and he's still here.

Chapter Five: Entertain

"For some trips, high-speed rail will be faster than flying. Without the pat down."
Who said it? Cosby? Tosh.0? Nope. Obama! Even the President tells jokes. That just goes to show how important comedy is. As a leader, people expect you to entertain them. Some managers might find this difficult because they're busy doing other things like paperwork or employee reviews. Delegate all that boring stuff to other people so you have more time to entertain. Comedy should always take precedence over everything else because it makes people cheerful, and when they're cheerful they work better. Someone once told me comedy is where the mind goes to tickle itself[각주:5], and that couldn't be truer. Make sure your employees' minds are getting tickled on a daily basis. They'll be so grateful, and so will you.

  1. 7x22 Goodbye, Michael [본문으로]
  2. 7x18 Todd Packer [본문으로]
  3. 2x02 Sexual Harassment [본문으로]
  4. 3x01 Gay Witch Hunt [본문으로]
  5. 7x14 The Seminar [본문으로]